Sunday, June 17, 2012


                               Friends will be friends

Yesterday Me and my youth group(friends) painted my youth groups bathrooms. So I spent about 1 1/2 hours taking wallpaper off the wall in the girls bathroom;and yes I had people helping me. Then I got bored and the wallpaper was off so I went over to the boys bathroom (which had my best friend-Wendy,friend-Andrew,and crush-Devon) was all sitting. I didn't do much but I did help paint a little. The one painting the most was Devon. Before I continue, here's the deal: Andrew and Devon likes Wendy, Devon kinda likes me, Wendy likes neither of them(but friendly-flirts with them),and I use to like Andrew but now I don't. Ok now that we have that cleared I can go on. Devon knows that I like him, not a huge deal. But I guess Wendy told Andrew that I liked Devon. So the whole time hes like "HEY DEVON!!!" if I didn't do what he wanted, or said "DEVON!!!!! WANNA KNOW SOMETHING!?" Or just saying stuff like "hey Devon, we r friends right? and friends tell other friends secrets right?" and stuff like that. I went to get a drink and I came back and Andrew was like He knows. I'm like "I know he knows" and hes like no I told him so he knows, I'm like"I know, he already knew that I liked him" and hes like oh.... Then for like 30 min, Andrew was like screaming"OLIVIA(KRISTINA) LIKES DEVON!!!!!!" over and over. So all of the guys I like/liked knows that I liked/like them....awesome. Plus we had a paint fight fun day

Now today I told my friend to try and make Devon like me. She was like No you have to make him like you. I said that I would try so that's what I'm going to be doing. The bad thing is that both Wendy and Devon's parents want them to date, and that Wendy's dad would let her date him. When they say that I'm just standing there like ok.... but in my head I'm like "What the fuck!!!! Um hello I like him! I would date him! I like him way more then she does, seriously what the fuck stop saying they should date!" I also asked Wendy today if she thought that if I texted him everyday or every other day if it would be weird. She said no that she does that to everyone. So I'm going to take her advise and try to make the boy like me! :)

Sorry no picture today....

Listening to:Tech n9ne-Riot maker

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