Tuesday, June 12, 2012

                             LOVE IS LOVE

Love: Caring for someone for who they are; and not being able to live without them.

Love is love it shouldn't matter if you like your own gender,or if you like the opposite sex; or if you like both genders. Take a second and think about how you treat homosexual people. If you treat them like everyone else(which you should) then good for you, that's how they should be treated. But if you treat them like crap and like they shouldn't even be allowed to get married to who they love then, think about this: How would you like it if someone said you couldn't marry the girl/boy you like just because you like the opposite sex? You wouldn't like it now would you? Its not like they are aliens, they are normal human beings, they just like different people. Treat them how you would want to be treated.

Listening to:Disciple-invisible

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